New online services are coming soon
Following members’ feedback, we have been investing in technology and modernising our online services. The new website and member portal will be going live later this spring (exact dates available soon) and everything will be moving across to a new web address: btps.co.uk.
For a preview of what’s coming, click here.
What to expect from the new portal
The new portal has been designed to be clear, simple and easy to use and allows you to access key information about your pension, track requests you make online and update any personal information at the touch of a button.
If you’re coming up to retirement, there’s a handy calculator to help you decide when to take your pension and give you an idea of what it could be at different retirement dates.
If you’re already receiving your pension, you’ll have the option to view and download your payslips and P60s and see how much your payment is every month.
Existing portal unavailable from 11 May
As part of these changes, the existing portal will close at 5pm on Tuesday 11 May. After this time, there will be a period of a few weeks without portal access before the new portal goes live. We are targeting having the new portal live on, or shortly after, 25 May.
What happens next?
When the new member portal goes live, we’ll ask you to register — it'll only take a few minutes — then you can log in straight away.
Any questions?
There’s an FAQ here. Otherwise, you can get in touch with us either by calling 0800 731 1919 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm) or, if calling from abroad, +44 203 023 3420. Alternatively, you can email us at member@btps.co.uk